Source code for fs.glob

"""Useful functions for working with glob patterns.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import namedtuple
import re
import typing

from .lrucache import LRUCache
from ._repr import make_repr
from .path import iteratepath
from . import wildcard

GlobMatch = namedtuple("GlobMatch", ["path", "info"])
Counts = namedtuple("Counts", ["files", "directories", "data"])
LineCounts = namedtuple("LineCounts", ["lines", "non_blank"])

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Pattern, Text, Tuple
    from .base import FS

)  # type: LRUCache[Tuple[Text, bool], Tuple[int, bool, Pattern]]

def _translate_glob(pattern, case_sensitive=True):
    levels = 0
    recursive = False
    re_patterns = [""]
    for component in iteratepath(pattern):
        if component == "**":
            recursive = True
                "/" + wildcard._translate(component, case_sensitive=case_sensitive)
        levels += 1
    re_glob = "(?ms)^" + "".join(re_patterns) + ("/$" if pattern.endswith("/") else "$")
    return (
        re.compile(re_glob, 0 if case_sensitive else re.IGNORECASE),

[docs]def match(pattern, path): # type: (str, str) -> bool """Compare a glob pattern with a path (case sensitive). Arguments: pattern (str): A glob pattern. path (str): A path. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the path matches the pattern. Example: >>> from fs.glob import match >>> match("**/*.py", "/fs/") True """ try: levels, recursive, re_pattern = _PATTERN_CACHE[(pattern, True)] except KeyError: levels, recursive, re_pattern = _translate_glob(pattern, case_sensitive=True) _PATTERN_CACHE[(pattern, True)] = (levels, recursive, re_pattern) return bool(re_pattern.match(path))
[docs]def imatch(pattern, path): # type: (str, str) -> bool """Compare a glob pattern with a path (case insensitive). Arguments: pattern (str): A glob pattern. path (str): A path. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the path matches the pattern. """ try: levels, recursive, re_pattern = _PATTERN_CACHE[(pattern, False)] except KeyError: levels, recursive, re_pattern = _translate_glob(pattern, case_sensitive=True) _PATTERN_CACHE[(pattern, False)] = (levels, recursive, re_pattern) return bool(re_pattern.match(path))
[docs]class Globber(object): """A generator of glob results."""
[docs] def __init__( self, fs, pattern, path="/", namespaces=None, case_sensitive=True, exclude_dirs=None, ): # type: (FS, str, str, Optional[List[str]], bool, Optional[List[str]]) -> None """Create a new Globber instance. Arguments: fs (~fs.base.FS): A filesystem object pattern (str): A glob pattern, e.g. ``"**/*.py"`` path (str): A path to a directory in the filesystem. namespaces (list): A list of additional info namespaces. case_sensitive (bool): If ``True``, the path matching will be case *sensitive* i.e. ``""`` and ``""`` will be different, otherwise path matching will be case *insensitive*. exclude_dirs (list): A list of patterns to exclude when searching, e.g. ``["*.git"]``. """ self.fs = fs self.pattern = pattern self.path = path self.namespaces = namespaces self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive self.exclude_dirs = exclude_dirs
def __repr__(self): return make_repr( self.__class__.__name__, self.fs, self.pattern, path=(self.path, "/"), namespaces=(self.namespaces, None), case_sensitive=(self.case_sensitive, True), exclude_dirs=(self.exclude_dirs, None), ) def _make_iter(self, search="breadth", namespaces=None): # type: (str, List[str]) -> Iterator[GlobMatch] try: levels, recursive, re_pattern = _PATTERN_CACHE[ (self.pattern, self.case_sensitive) ] except KeyError: levels, recursive, re_pattern = _translate_glob( self.pattern, case_sensitive=self.case_sensitive ) for path, info in path=self.path, namespaces=namespaces or self.namespaces, max_depth=None if recursive else levels, search=search, exclude_dirs=self.exclude_dirs, ): if info.is_dir: path += "/" if re_pattern.match(path): yield GlobMatch(path, info)
[docs] def __iter__(self): # type: () -> Iterator[GlobMatch] """Get an iterator of :class:`fs.glob.GlobMatch` objects.""" return self._make_iter()
[docs] def count(self): # type: () -> Counts """Count files / directories / data in matched paths. Example: >>> my_fs.glob('**/*.py').count() Counts(files=2, directories=0, data=55) Returns: `~Counts`: A named tuple containing results. """ directories = 0 files = 0 data = 0 for _path, info in self._make_iter(namespaces=["details"]): if info.is_dir: directories += 1 else: files += 1 data += info.size return Counts(directories=directories, files=files, data=data)
[docs] def count_lines(self): # type: () -> LineCounts """Count the lines in the matched files. Returns: `~LineCounts`: A named tuple containing line counts. Example: >>> my_fs.glob('**/*.py').count_lines() LineCounts(lines=4, non_blank=3) """ lines = 0 non_blank = 0 for path, info in self._make_iter(): if info.is_file: for line in, "rb"): lines += 1 if line.rstrip(): non_blank += 1 return LineCounts(lines=lines, non_blank=non_blank)
[docs] def remove(self): # type: () -> int """Remove all matched paths. Returns: int: Number of file and directories removed. Example: >>> my_fs.glob('**/*.pyc').remove() 2 """ removes = 0 for path, info in self._make_iter(search="depth"): if info.is_dir: self.fs.removetree(path) else: self.fs.remove(path) removes += 1 return removes
[docs]class BoundGlobber(object): """A `~fs.glob.Globber` object bound to a filesystem. An instance of this object is available on every Filesystem object as the `~fs.base.FS.glob` property. """ __slots__ = ["fs"]
[docs] def __init__(self, fs): # type: (FS) -> None """Create a new bound Globber. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem object to bind to. """ self.fs = fs
def __repr__(self): return make_repr(self.__class__.__name__, self.fs)
[docs] def __call__( self, pattern, path="/", namespaces=None, case_sensitive=True, exclude_dirs=None ): # type: (str, str, Optional[List[str]], bool, Optional[List[str]]) -> Globber """Match resources on the bound filesystem againsts a glob pattern. Arguments: pattern (str): A glob pattern, e.g. ``"**/*.py"`` namespaces (list): A list of additional info namespaces. case_sensitive (bool): If ``True``, the path matching will be case *sensitive* i.e. ``""`` and ``""`` will be different, otherwise path matching will be case **insensitive**. exclude_dirs (list): A list of patterns to exclude when searching, e.g. ``["*.git"]``. Returns: `Globber`: An object that may be queried for the glob matches. """ return Globber( self.fs, pattern, path, namespaces=namespaces, case_sensitive=case_sensitive, exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, )