Source code for fs.tree

# coding: utf-8
"""Render a FS object as text tree views.

Color is supported on UNIX terminals.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import sys
import typing

from fs.path import abspath, join, normpath

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import List, Optional, Text, TextIO, Tuple
    from .base import FS
    from .info import Info

[docs]def render( fs, # type: FS path="/", # type: Text file=None, # type: Optional[TextIO] encoding=None, # type: Optional[Text] max_levels=5, # type: int with_color=None, # type: Optional[bool] dirs_first=True, # type: bool exclude=None, # type: Optional[List[Text]] filter=None, # type: Optional[List[Text]] ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[int, int] """Render a directory structure in to a pretty tree. Arguments: fs (~fs.base.FS): A filesystem instance. path (str): The path of the directory to start rendering from (defaults to root folder, i.e. ``'/'``). file (io.IOBase): An open file-like object to render the tree, or `None` for stdout. encoding (str, optional): Unicode encoding, or `None` to auto-detect. max_levels (int, optional): Maximum number of levels to display, or `None` for no maximum. with_color (bool, optional): Enable terminal color output, or `None` to auto-detect terminal. dirs_first (bool): Show directories first. exclude (list, optional): Option list of directory patterns to exclude from the tree render. filter (list, optional): Optional list of files patterns to match in the tree render. Returns: (int, int): A tuple of ``(<directory count>, <file count>)``. """ file = file or sys.stdout if encoding is None: encoding = getattr(file, "encoding", "utf-8") or "utf-8" is_tty = hasattr(file, "isatty") and file.isatty() if with_color is None: is_windows = sys.platform.startswith("win") with_color = False if is_windows else is_tty if encoding.lower() == "utf-8" and with_color: char_vertline = "│" char_newnode = "├" char_line = "──" char_corner = "└" else: char_vertline = "|" char_newnode = "|" char_line = "--" char_corner = "`" indent = " " * 4 line_indent = char_vertline + " " * 3 def write(line): # type: (Text) -> None """Write a line to the output.""" print(line, file=file) # FIXME(@althonos): define functions using `with_color` and # avoid checking `with_color` at every function call ! def format_prefix(prefix): # type: (Text) -> Text """Format the prefix lines.""" if not with_color: return prefix return "\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m" % prefix def format_dirname(dirname): # type: (Text) -> Text """Format a directory name.""" if not with_color: return dirname return "\x1b[1;34m%s\x1b[0m" % dirname def format_error(msg): # type: (Text) -> Text """Format an error.""" if not with_color: return msg return "\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m" % msg def format_filename(fname): # type: (Text) -> Text """Format a filename.""" if not with_color: return fname if fname.startswith("."): fname = "\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m" % fname return fname def sort_key_dirs_first(info): # type: (Info) -> Tuple[bool, Text] """Get the info sort function with directories first.""" return (not info.is_dir, def sort_key(info): # type: (Info) -> Text """Get the default info sort function using resource name.""" return counts = {"dirs": 0, "files": 0} def format_directory(path, levels): # type: (Text, List[bool]) -> None """Recursive directory function.""" try: directory = sorted( fs.filterdir(path, exclude_dirs=exclude, files=filter), key=sort_key_dirs_first if dirs_first else sort_key, # type: ignore ) except Exception as error: prefix = ( "".join(indent if last else line_indent for last in levels) + char_corner + char_line ) write( "{} {}".format( format_prefix(prefix), format_error("error ({})".format(error)) ) ) return _last = len(directory) - 1 for i, info in enumerate(directory): is_last_entry = i == _last counts["dirs" if info.is_dir else "files"] += 1 prefix = "".join(indent if last else line_indent for last in levels) prefix += char_corner if is_last_entry else char_newnode if info.is_dir: write( "{} {}".format( format_prefix(prefix + char_line), format_dirname( ) ) if max_levels is None or len(levels) < max_levels: format_directory(join(path,, levels + [is_last_entry]) else: write( "{} {}".format( format_prefix(prefix + char_line), format_filename( ) ) format_directory(abspath(normpath(path)), []) return counts["dirs"], counts["files"]