Source code for fs.move

"""Functions for moving files between filesystems.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import typing

from .copy import copy_dir
from .copy import copy_file
from .opener import manage_fs

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .base import FS
    from typing import Text, Union

[docs]def move_fs(src_fs, dst_fs, workers=0): # type: (Union[Text, FS], Union[Text, FS], int) -> None """Move the contents of a filesystem to another filesystem. Arguments: src_fs (FS or str): Source filesystem (instance or URL). dst_fs (FS or str): Destination filesystem (instance or URL). workers (int): Use `worker` threads to copy data, or ``0`` (default) for a single-threaded copy. """ move_dir(src_fs, "/", dst_fs, "/", workers=workers)
[docs]def move_file( src_fs, # type: Union[Text, FS] src_path, # type: Text dst_fs, # type: Union[Text, FS] dst_path, # type: Text ): # type: (...) -> None """Move a file from one filesystem to another. Arguments: src_fs (FS or str): Source filesystem (instance or URL). src_path (str): Path to a file on ``src_fs``. dst_fs (FS or str): Destination filesystem (instance or URL). dst_path (str): Path to a file on ``dst_fs``. """ with manage_fs(src_fs) as _src_fs: with manage_fs(dst_fs, create=True) as _dst_fs: if _src_fs is _dst_fs: # Same filesystem, may be optimized _src_fs.move(src_path, dst_path, overwrite=True) else: # Standard copy and delete with _src_fs.lock(), _dst_fs.lock(): copy_file(_src_fs, src_path, _dst_fs, dst_path) _src_fs.remove(src_path)
[docs]def move_dir( src_fs, # type: Union[Text, FS] src_path, # type: Text dst_fs, # type: Union[Text, FS] dst_path, # type: Text workers=0, # type: int ): # type: (...) -> None """Move a directory from one filesystem to another. Arguments: src_fs (FS or str): Source filesystem (instance or URL). src_path (str): Path to a directory on ``src_fs`` dst_fs (FS or str): Destination filesystem (instance or URL). dst_path (str): Path to a directory on ``dst_fs``. workers (int): Use ``worker`` threads to copy data, or ``0`` (default) for a single-threaded copy. """ def src(): return manage_fs(src_fs, writeable=False) def dst(): return manage_fs(dst_fs, create=True) with src() as _src_fs, dst() as _dst_fs: with _src_fs.lock(), _dst_fs.lock(): _dst_fs.makedir(dst_path, recreate=True) copy_dir(src_fs, src_path, dst_fs, dst_path, workers=workers) _src_fs.removetree(src_path)