Source code for fs.errors

"""Exception classes thrown by filesystem operations.

Errors relating to the underlying filesystem are translated in
to one of the following exceptions.

All Exception classes are derived from `~fs.errors.FSError`
which may be used as a catch-all filesystem exception.


from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function

import functools
import typing

import six
from six import text_type

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import Optional, Text

__all__ = [

[docs]class MissingInfoNamespace(AttributeError): """An expected namespace is missing."""
[docs] def __init__(self, namespace): # noqa: D107 # type: (Text) -> None self.namespace = namespace msg = "namespace '{}' is required for this attribute" super(MissingInfoNamespace, self).__init__(msg.format(namespace))
def __reduce__(self): return type(self), (self.namespace,)
[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class FSError(Exception): """Base exception for the `fs` module.""" default_message = "Unspecified error"
[docs] def __init__(self, msg=None): # noqa: D107 # type: (Optional[Text]) -> None self._msg = msg or self.default_message super(FSError, self).__init__()
[docs] def __str__(self): # type: () -> Text """Return the error message.""" msg = self._msg.format(**self.__dict__) return msg
def __repr__(self): # type: () -> Text msg = self._msg.format(**self.__dict__) return "{}({!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__, msg)
[docs]class FilesystemClosed(FSError): """Attempt to use a closed filesystem.""" default_message = "attempt to use closed filesystem"
[docs]class BulkCopyFailed(FSError): """A copy operation failed in worker threads.""" default_message = "One or more copy operations failed (see errors attribute)"
[docs] def __init__(self, errors): # noqa: D107 self.errors = errors super(BulkCopyFailed, self).__init__()
[docs]class CreateFailed(FSError): """Filesystem could not be created.""" default_message = "unable to create filesystem, {details}"
[docs] def __init__(self, msg=None, exc=None): # noqa: D107 # type: (Optional[Text], Optional[Exception]) -> None self._msg = msg or self.default_message self.details = "" if exc is None else text_type(exc) self.exc = exc
@classmethod def catch_all(cls, func): @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except cls: raise except Exception as e: raise cls(exc=e) return new_func # type: ignore def __reduce__(self): return type(self), (self._msg, self.exc)
[docs]class PathError(FSError): """Base exception for errors to do with a path string.""" default_message = "path '{path}' is invalid"
[docs] def __init__(self, path, msg=None, exc=None): # noqa: D107 # type: (Text, Optional[Text], Optional[Exception]) -> None self.path = path self.exc = exc super(PathError, self).__init__(msg=msg)
def __reduce__(self): return type(self), (self.path, self._msg, self.exc)
[docs]class NoSysPath(PathError): """The filesystem does not provide *sys paths* to the resource.""" default_message = "path '{path}' does not map to the local filesystem"
[docs]class NoURL(PathError): """The filesystem does not provide an URL for the resource.""" default_message = "path '{path}' has no '{purpose}' URL"
[docs] def __init__(self, path, purpose, msg=None): # noqa: D107 # type: (Text, Text, Optional[Text]) -> None self.purpose = purpose super(NoURL, self).__init__(path, msg=msg)
def __reduce__(self): return type(self), (self.path, self.purpose, self._msg)
[docs]class InvalidPath(PathError): """Path can't be mapped on to the underlaying filesystem.""" default_message = "path '{path}' is invalid on this filesystem "
[docs]class InvalidCharsInPath(InvalidPath): """Path contains characters that are invalid on this filesystem.""" default_message = "path '{path}' contains invalid characters"
[docs]class OperationFailed(FSError): """A specific operation failed.""" default_message = "operation failed, {details}"
[docs] def __init__( self, path=None, # type: Optional[Text] exc=None, # type: Optional[Exception] msg=None, # type: Optional[Text] ): # noqa: D107 # type: (...) -> None self.path = path self.exc = exc self.details = "" if exc is None else text_type(exc) self.errno = getattr(exc, "errno", None) super(OperationFailed, self).__init__(msg=msg)
def __reduce__(self): return type(self), (self.path, self.exc, self._msg)
[docs]class Unsupported(OperationFailed): """Operation not supported by the filesystem.""" default_message = "not supported"
[docs]class RemoteConnectionError(OperationFailed): """Operations encountered remote connection trouble.""" default_message = "remote connection error"
[docs]class InsufficientStorage(OperationFailed): """Storage is insufficient for requested operation.""" default_message = "insufficient storage space"
[docs]class PermissionDenied(OperationFailed): """Not enough permissions.""" default_message = "permission denied"
[docs]class OperationTimeout(OperationFailed): """Filesystem took too long.""" default_message = "operation timed out"
[docs]class RemoveRootError(OperationFailed): """Attempt to remove the root directory.""" default_message = "root directory may not be removed"
[docs]class ResourceError(FSError): """Base exception class for error associated with a specific resource.""" default_message = "failed on path {path}"
[docs] def __init__(self, path, exc=None, msg=None): # noqa: D107 # type: (Text, Optional[Exception], Optional[Text]) -> None self.path = path self.exc = exc super(ResourceError, self).__init__(msg=msg)
def __reduce__(self): return type(self), (self.path, self.exc, self._msg)
[docs]class ResourceNotFound(ResourceError): """Required resource not found.""" default_message = "resource '{path}' not found"
[docs]class ResourceInvalid(ResourceError): """Resource has the wrong type.""" default_message = "resource '{path}' is invalid for this operation"
[docs]class FileExists(ResourceError): """File already exists.""" default_message = "resource '{path}' exists"
[docs]class FileExpected(ResourceInvalid): """Operation only works on files.""" default_message = "path '{path}' should be a file"
[docs]class DirectoryExpected(ResourceInvalid): """Operation only works on directories.""" default_message = "path '{path}' should be a directory"
[docs]class DestinationExists(ResourceError): """Target destination already exists.""" default_message = "destination '{path}' exists"
[docs]class DirectoryExists(ResourceError): """Directory already exists.""" default_message = "directory '{path}' exists"
[docs]class DirectoryNotEmpty(ResourceError): """Attempt to remove a non-empty directory.""" default_message = "directory '{path}' is not empty"
[docs]class ResourceLocked(ResourceError): """Attempt to use a locked resource.""" default_message = "resource '{path}' is locked"
[docs]class ResourceReadOnly(ResourceError): """Attempting to modify a read-only resource.""" default_message = "resource '{path}' is read only"
[docs]class IllegalBackReference(ValueError): """Too many backrefs exist in a path. This error will occur if the back references in a path would be outside of the root. For example, ``"/foo/../../"``, contains two back references which would reference a directory above the root. Note: This exception is a subclass of `ValueError` as it is not strictly speaking an issue with a filesystem or resource. """
[docs] def __init__(self, path): # noqa: D107 # type: (Text) -> None self.path = path msg = ("path '{path}' contains back-references outside of filesystem").format( path=path ) super(IllegalBackReference, self).__init__(msg)
def __reduce__(self): return type(self), (self.path,)
class UnsupportedHash(ValueError): """The requested hash algorithm is not supported. This exception will be thrown if a hash algorithm is requested that is not supported by hashlib. """