Source code for fs.ftpfs

"""Manage filesystems on remote FTP servers.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import calendar
import io
import itertools
import socket
import threading
import typing
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from ftplib import FTP
from ftplib import error_perm
from ftplib import error_temp
from typing import cast

from six import PY2
from six import text_type

from . import errors
from .base import FS
from .constants import DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE
from .enums import ResourceType
from .enums import Seek
from .info import Info
from .iotools import line_iterator
from .mode import Mode
from .path import abspath
from .path import dirname
from .path import basename
from .path import normpath
from .path import split
from . import _ftp_parse as ftp_parse

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    import ftplib
    from typing import (
    from .base import _OpendirFactory
    from .info import RawInfo
    from .permissions import Permissions
    from .subfs import SubFS

_F = typing.TypeVar("_F", bound="FTPFS")

__all__ = ["FTPFS"]

def ftp_errors(fs, path=None):
    # type: (FTPFS, Optional[Text]) -> Iterator[None]
        with fs._lock:
    except socket.error:
        raise errors.RemoteConnectionError(
            msg="unable to connect to {}".format(
    except EOFError:
        raise errors.RemoteConnectionError(msg="lost connection to {}".format(
    except error_temp as error:
        if path is not None:
            raise errors.ResourceError(
                path, msg="ftp error on resource '{}' ({})".format(path, error)
            raise errors.OperationFailed(msg="ftp error ({})".format(error))
    except error_perm as error:
        code, message = _parse_ftp_error(error)
        if code == "552":
            raise errors.InsufficientStorage(path=path, msg=message)
        elif code in ("501", "550"):
            raise errors.ResourceNotFound(path=cast(str, path))
        raise errors.PermissionDenied(msg=message)

def manage_ftp(ftp):
    # type: (FTP) -> Iterator[FTP]
        yield ftp
        except Exception:  # pragma: no cover

def _parse_ftp_error(error):
    # type: (ftplib.Error) -> Tuple[Text, Text]
    """Extract code and message from ftp error."""
    code, _, message = text_type(error).partition(" ")
    return code, message

if PY2:

    def _encode(st, encoding):
        # type: (Union[Text, bytes], Text) -> str
        return st.encode(encoding) if isinstance(st, text_type) else st

    def _decode(st, encoding):
        # type: (Union[Text, bytes], Text) -> Text
        return st.decode(encoding, "replace") if isinstance(st, bytes) else st


    def _encode(st, _):
        # type: (str, str) -> str
        return st

    def _decode(st, _):
        # type: (str, str) -> str
        return st

class FTPFile(io.RawIOBase):
    def __init__(self, ftpfs, path, mode):
        # type: (FTPFS, Text, Text) -> None
        super(FTPFile, self).__init__()
        self.fs = ftpfs
        self.path = path
        self.mode = Mode(mode)
        self.pos = 0
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self.ftp = self._open_ftp()
        self._read_conn = None  # type: Optional[socket.socket]
        self._write_conn = None  # type: Optional[socket.socket]

    def _open_ftp(self):
        # type: () -> FTP
        """Open an ftp object for the file."""
        ftp = self.fs._open_ftp()
        ftp.voidcmd(str("TYPE I"))
        return ftp

    def read_conn(self):
        # type: () -> socket.socket
        if self._read_conn is None:
            self._read_conn = self.ftp.transfercmd(
                str("RETR ") + _encode(self.path, self.ftp.encoding), self.pos
        return self._read_conn

    def write_conn(self):
        # type: () -> socket.socket
        if self._write_conn is None:
            if self.mode.appending:
                self._write_conn = self.ftp.transfercmd(
                    str("APPE ") + _encode(self.path, self.ftp.encoding)
                self._write_conn = self.ftp.transfercmd(
                    str("STOR ") + _encode(self.path, self.ftp.encoding), self.pos
        return self._write_conn

    def __repr__(self):
        # type: () -> str
        _repr = "<ftpfile {!r} {!r} {!r}>"
        return _repr.format(self.fs.ftp_url, self.path, self.mode)

    def close(self):
        # type: () -> None
        if not self.closed:
            with self._lock:
                    if self._write_conn is not None:
                        self._write_conn = None
                        self.ftp.voidresp()  # Ensure last write completed
                    if self._read_conn is not None:
                        self._read_conn = None
                    except error_temp:  # pragma: no cover
                    super(FTPFile, self).close()

    def tell(self):
        # type: () -> int
        return self.pos

    def readable(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        return self.mode.reading

    def read(self, size=-1):
        # type: (int) -> bytes
        if not self.mode.reading:
            raise IOError("File not open for reading")

        chunks = []
        remaining = size

        conn = self.read_conn
        with self._lock:
            while remaining:
                if remaining < 0:
                    read_size = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE
                    read_size = min(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, remaining)
                    chunk = conn.recv(read_size)
                except socket.error:  # pragma: no cover
                if not chunk:
                self.pos += len(chunk)
                remaining -= len(chunk)
        return b"".join(chunks)

    def readinto(self, buffer):
        # type: (bytearray) -> int
        data =
        bytes_read = len(data)
        buffer[:bytes_read] = data
        return bytes_read

    def readline(self, size=-1):
        # type: (int) -> bytes
        return next(line_iterator(self, size))  # type: ignore

    def readlines(self, hint=-1):
        # type: (int) -> List[bytes]
        lines = []
        size = 0
        for line in line_iterator(self):  # type: ignore
            size += len(line)
            if hint != -1 and size > hint:
        return lines

    def writable(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        return self.mode.writing

    def write(self, data):
        # type: (bytes) -> int
        if not self.mode.writing:
            raise IOError("File not open for writing")

        with self._lock:
            conn = self.write_conn
            data_pos = 0
            remaining_data = len(data)

            while remaining_data:
                chunk_size = min(remaining_data, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE)
                sent_size = conn.send(data[data_pos : data_pos + chunk_size])
                data_pos += sent_size
                remaining_data -= sent_size
                self.pos += sent_size

        return data_pos

    def writelines(self, lines):
        # type: (Iterable[bytes]) -> None

    def truncate(self, size=None):
        # type: (Optional[int]) -> int
        # Inefficient, but I don't know if truncate is possible with ftp
        with self._lock:
            if size is None:
                size = self.tell()
            with self.fs.openbin(self.path) as f:
                data =
            with self.fs.openbin(self.path, "w") as f:
                if len(data) < size:
                    f.write(b"\0" * (size - len(data)))
        return size

    def seekable(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        return True

    def seek(self, pos, whence=Seek.set):
        # type: (int, SupportsInt) -> int
        _whence = int(whence)
        if _whence not in (Seek.set, Seek.current, Seek.end):
            raise ValueError("invalid value for whence")
        with self._lock:
            if _whence == Seek.set:
                new_pos = pos
            elif _whence == Seek.current:
                new_pos = self.pos + pos
            elif _whence == Seek.end:
                file_size = self.fs.getsize(self.path)
                new_pos = file_size + pos
            self.pos = max(0, new_pos)

            self.ftp = self._open_ftp()

            if self._read_conn:
                self._read_conn = None
            if self._write_conn:
                self._write_conn = None
        return self.tell()

[docs]class FTPFS(FS): """A FTP (File Transport Protocol) Filesystem. Arguments: host (str): A FTP host, e.g. ``''``. user (str): A username (default is ``'anonymous'``). passwd (str): Password for the server, or `None` for anon. acct (str): FTP account. timeout (int): Timeout for contacting server (in seconds, defaults to 10). port (int): FTP port number (default 21). proxy (str, optional): An FTP proxy, or ``None`` (default) for no proxy. """ _meta = { "invalid_path_chars": "\0", "network": True, "read_only": False, "thread_safe": True, "unicode_paths": True, "virtual": False, } def __init__( self, host, # type: Text user="anonymous", # type: Text passwd="", # type: Text acct="", # type: Text timeout=10, # type: int port=21, # type: int proxy=None, # type: Optional[Text] ): # type: (...) -> None super(FTPFS, self).__init__() self._host = host self._user = user self.passwd = passwd self.acct = acct self.timeout = timeout self.port = port self.proxy = proxy self.encoding = "latin-1" self._ftp = None # type: Optional[FTP] self._welcome = None # type: Optional[Text] self._features = {} # type: Dict[Text, Text] def __repr__(self): # type: (...) -> Text return "FTPFS({!r}, port={!r})".format(, self.port) def __str__(self): # type: (...) -> Text _fmt = "<ftpfs '{host}'>" if self.port == 21 else "<ftpfs '{host}:{port}'>" return _fmt.format(, port=self.port) @property def user(self): # type: () -> Text return ( self._user if self.proxy is None else "{}@{}".format(self._user, self._host) ) @property def host(self): # type: () -> Text return self._host if self.proxy is None else self.proxy @classmethod def _parse_features(cls, feat_response): # type: (Text) -> Dict[Text, Text] """Parse a dict of features from FTP feat response. """ features = {} if feat_response.split("-")[0] == "211": for line in feat_response.splitlines(): if line.startswith(" "): key, _, value = line[1:].partition(" ") features[key] = value return features def _open_ftp(self): # type: () -> FTP """Open a new ftp object. """ _ftp = FTP() _ftp.set_debuglevel(0) with ftp_errors(self): _ftp.connect(, self.port, self.timeout) _ftp.login(self.user, self.passwd, self.acct) self._features = {} try: feat_response = _decode(_ftp.sendcmd("FEAT"), "latin-1") except error_perm: # pragma: no cover self.encoding = "latin-1" else: self._features = self._parse_features(feat_response) self.encoding = "utf-8" if "UTF8" in self._features else "latin-1" if not PY2: _ftp.file = _ftp.sock.makefile( # type: ignore "r", encoding=self.encoding ) _ftp.encoding = self.encoding self._welcome = _ftp.welcome return _ftp def _manage_ftp(self): # type: () -> ContextManager[FTP] ftp = self._open_ftp() return manage_ftp(ftp) @property def ftp_url(self): # type: () -> Text """Get the FTP url this filesystem will open.""" if self.port == 21: _host_part = else: _host_part = "{}:{}".format(, self.port) if self.user == "anonymous" or self.user is None: _user_part = "" else: _user_part = "{}:{}@".format(self.user, self.passwd) url = "ftp://{}{}".format(_user_part, _host_part) return url @property def ftp(self): # type: () -> FTP """~ftplib.FTP: the underlying FTP client. """ return self._get_ftp()
[docs] def geturl(self, path, purpose="download"): # type: (str, str) -> Text """Get FTP url for resource.""" _path = self.validatepath(path) if purpose != "download": raise errors.NoURL(_path, purpose) return "{}{}".format(self.ftp_url, _path)
def _get_ftp(self): # type: () -> FTP if self._ftp is None: self._ftp = self._open_ftp() return self._ftp @property def features(self): # type: () -> Dict[Text, Text] """dict: features of the remote FTP server. """ self._get_ftp() return self._features def _read_dir(self, path): # type: (Text) -> Dict[Text, Info] _path = abspath(normpath(path)) lines = [] # type: List[Union[ByteString, Text]] with ftp_errors(self, path=path): self.ftp.retrlines( str("LIST ") + _encode(_path, self.ftp.encoding), lines.append ) lines = [ line.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(line, bytes) else line for line in lines ] _list = [Info(raw_info) for raw_info in ftp_parse.parse(lines)] dir_listing = OrderedDict({ info for info in _list}) return dir_listing @property def supports_mlst(self): # type: () -> bool """bool: whether the server supports MLST feature. """ return "MLST" in self.features
[docs] def create(self, path, wipe=False): # type: (Text, bool) -> bool _path = self.validatepath(path) with ftp_errors(self, path): if wipe or not self.isfile(path): empty_file = io.BytesIO() self.ftp.storbinary( str("STOR ") + _encode(_path, self.ftp.encoding), empty_file ) return True return False
@classmethod def _parse_ftp_time(cls, time_text): # type: (Text) -> Optional[int] """Parse a time from an ftp directory listing. """ try: tm_year = int(time_text[0:4]) tm_month = int(time_text[4:6]) tm_day = int(time_text[6:8]) tm_hour = int(time_text[8:10]) tm_min = int(time_text[10:12]) tm_sec = int(time_text[12:14]) except ValueError: return None epoch_time = calendar.timegm( (tm_year, tm_month, tm_day, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec) ) return epoch_time @classmethod def _parse_facts(cls, line): # type: (Text) -> Tuple[Optional[Text], Dict[Text, Text]] name = None facts = {} for fact in line.split(";"): key, sep, value = fact.partition("=") if sep: key = key.strip().lower() value = value.strip() facts[key] = value else: name = basename(fact.rstrip("/").strip()) return name if name not in (".", "..") else None, facts @classmethod def _parse_mlsx(cls, lines): # type: (Iterable[Text]) -> Iterator[RawInfo] for line in lines: name, facts = cls._parse_facts(line.strip()) if name is None: continue _type = facts.get("type", "file") if _type not in {"dir", "file"}: continue is_dir = _type == "dir" raw_info = {} # type: Dict[Text, Dict[Text, object]] raw_info["basic"] = {"name": name, "is_dir": is_dir} raw_info["ftp"] = facts # type: ignore raw_info["details"] = { "type": (int( if is_dir else ResourceType.file)) } details = raw_info["details"] size_str = facts.get("size", facts.get("sizd", "0")) size = 0 if size_str.isdigit(): size = int(size_str) details["size"] = size if "modify" in facts: details["modified"] = cls._parse_ftp_time(facts["modify"]) if "create" in facts: details["created"] = cls._parse_ftp_time(facts["create"]) yield raw_info if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: def opendir(self, path, factory=None): # type: (_F, Text, Optional[_OpendirFactory]) -> SubFS[_F] pass
[docs] def getinfo(self, path, namespaces=None): # type: (Text, Optional[Container[Text]]) -> Info _path = self.validatepath(path) namespaces = namespaces or () if _path == "/": return Info( { "basic": {"name": "", "is_dir": True}, "details": {"type": int(}, } ) if self.supports_mlst: with self._lock: with ftp_errors(self, path=path): response = self.ftp.sendcmd( str("MLST ") + _encode(_path, self.ftp.encoding) ) lines = _decode(response, self.ftp.encoding).splitlines()[1:-1] for raw_info in self._parse_mlsx(lines): return Info(raw_info) with ftp_errors(self, path=path): dir_name, file_name = split(_path) directory = self._read_dir(dir_name) if file_name not in directory: raise errors.ResourceNotFound(path) info = directory[file_name] return info
[docs] def getmeta(self, namespace="standard"): # type: (Text) -> Dict[Text, object] _meta = {} # type: Dict[Text, object] self._get_ftp() if namespace == "standard": _meta = self._meta.copy() _meta["unicode_paths"] = "UTF8" in self.features return _meta
[docs] def listdir(self, path): # type: (Text) -> List[Text] _path = self.validatepath(path) with self._lock: dir_list = [ for info in self.scandir(_path)] return dir_list
[docs] def makedir( self, # type: _F path, # type: Text permissions=None, # type: Optional[Permissions] recreate=False, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> SubFS[_F] _path = self.validatepath(path) with ftp_errors(self, path=path): if _path == "/": if recreate: return self.opendir(path) else: raise errors.DirectoryExists(path) if not (recreate and self.isdir(path)): try: self.ftp.mkd(_encode(_path, self.ftp.encoding)) except error_perm as error: code, _ = _parse_ftp_error(error) if code == "550": if self.isdir(path): raise errors.DirectoryExists(path) else: if self.exists(path): raise errors.DirectoryExists(path) raise errors.ResourceNotFound(path) return self.opendir(path)
[docs] def openbin(self, path, mode="r", buffering=-1, **options): # type: (Text, Text, int, **Any) -> BinaryIO _mode = Mode(mode) _mode.validate_bin() _path = self.validatepath(path) with self._lock: try: info = self.getinfo(_path) except errors.ResourceNotFound: if _mode.reading: raise errors.ResourceNotFound(path) if _mode.writing and not self.isdir(dirname(_path)): raise errors.ResourceNotFound(path) else: if info.is_dir: raise errors.FileExpected(path) if _mode.exclusive: raise errors.FileExists(path) ftp_file = FTPFile(self, _path, _mode.to_platform_bin()) return ftp_file # type: ignore
[docs] def remove(self, path): # type: (Text) -> None self.check() _path = self.validatepath(path) with self._lock: if self.isdir(path): raise errors.FileExpected(path=path) with ftp_errors(self, path): self.ftp.delete(_encode(_path, self.ftp.encoding))
[docs] def removedir(self, path): # type: (Text) -> None _path = self.validatepath(path) if _path == "/": raise errors.RemoveRootError() with ftp_errors(self, path): try: self.ftp.rmd(_encode(_path, self.ftp.encoding)) except error_perm as error: code, _ = _parse_ftp_error(error) if code == "550": if self.isfile(path): raise errors.DirectoryExpected(path) if not self.isempty(path): raise errors.DirectoryNotEmpty(path) raise # pragma: no cover
def _scandir(self, path, namespaces=None): # type: (Text, Optional[Container[Text]]) -> Iterator[Info] _path = self.validatepath(path) with self._lock: if self.supports_mlst: lines = [] with ftp_errors(self, path=path): try: self.ftp.retrlines( str("MLSD ") + _encode(_path, self.ftp.encoding), lambda l: lines.append(_decode(l, self.ftp.encoding)), ) except error_perm: if not self.getinfo(path).is_dir: raise errors.DirectoryExpected(path) raise # pragma: no cover if lines: for raw_info in self._parse_mlsx(lines): yield Info(raw_info) return for info in self._read_dir(_path).values(): yield info
[docs] def scandir( self, path, # type: Text namespaces=None, # type: Optional[Container[Text]] page=None, # type: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Info] if not self.supports_mlst and not self.getinfo(path).is_dir: raise errors.DirectoryExpected(path) iter_info = self._scandir(path, namespaces=namespaces) if page is not None: start, end = page iter_info = itertools.islice(iter_info, start, end) return iter_info
[docs] def upload(self, path, file, chunk_size=None, **options): # type: (Text, BinaryIO, Optional[int], **Any) -> None _path = self.validatepath(path) with self._lock: with self._manage_ftp() as ftp: with ftp_errors(self, path): ftp.storbinary( str("STOR ") + _encode(_path, self.ftp.encoding), file )
[docs] def writebytes(self, path, contents): # type: (Text, ByteString) -> None if not isinstance(contents, bytes): raise TypeError("contents must be bytes") self.upload(path, io.BytesIO(contents))
[docs] def setinfo(self, path, info): # type: (Text, RawInfo) -> None if not self.exists(path): raise errors.ResourceNotFound(path)
[docs] def readbytes(self, path): # type: (Text) -> bytes _path = self.validatepath(path) data = io.BytesIO() with ftp_errors(self, path): with self._manage_ftp() as ftp: try: ftp.retrbinary( str("RETR ") + _encode(_path, self.ftp.encoding), data.write ) except error_perm as error: code, _ = _parse_ftp_error(error) if code == "550": if self.isdir(path): raise errors.FileExpected(path) raise data_bytes = data.getvalue() return data_bytes
[docs] def close(self): # type: () -> None if not self.isclosed(): try: self.ftp.quit() except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass self._ftp = None super(FTPFS, self).close()