
Collection of useful WrapFS subclasses.

Here’s an example that opens a filesystem then makes it read only:

>>> from fs import open_fs
>>> from fs.wrap import read_only
>>> projects_fs = open_fs('~/projects')
>>> read_only_projects_fs = read_only(projects_fs)
>>> read_only_projects_fs.remove('__init__.py')
Traceback (most recent call last):
fs.errors.ResourceReadOnly: resource '__init__.py' is read only
class fs.wrap.WrapCachedDir(wrap_fs)[source]

Caches filesystem directory information.

This filesystem caches directory information retrieved from a scandir call. This may speed up code that calls isdir, isfile, or gettype too frequently.


Using this wrap will prevent changes to directory information being visible to the filesystem object. Consequently it is best used only in a fairly limited scope where you don’t expected anything on the filesystem to change.

getinfo(path, namespaces=None)[source]

Get information about a resource on a filesystem.

  • path (str) – A path to a resource on the filesystem.
  • namespaces (list, optional) – Info namespaces to query (defaults to [basic]).

resource information object.

Return type:


For more information regarding resource information, see Resource Info.


Check if a path maps to an existing directory.

Parameters:path (str) – A path on the filesystem.
Returns:True if path maps to a directory.
Return type:bool

Check if a path maps to an existing file.

Parameters:path (str) – A path on the filesystem.
Returns:True if path maps to a file.
Return type:bool
scandir(path, namespaces=None, page=None)[source]

Get an iterator of resource info.

  • path (str) – A path to a directory on the filesystem.
  • namespaces (list, optional) – A list of namespaces to include in the resource information, e.g. ['basic', 'access'].
  • page (tuple, optional) – May be a tuple of (<start>, <end>) indexes to return an iterator of a subset of the resource info, or None to iterate over the entire directory. Paging a directory scan may be necessary for very large directories.

an iterator of Info objects.

Return type:


class fs.wrap.WrapReadOnly(wrap_fs)[source]

Makes a Filesystem read-only.

Any call that would would write data or modify the filesystem in any way will raise a ResourceReadOnly exception.

appendbytes(path, data)[source]

Append bytes to the end of a file, creating it if needed.

  • path (str) – Path to a file.
  • data (bytes) – Bytes to append.
appendtext(path, text, encoding='utf-8', errors=None, newline='')[source]

Append text to the end of a file, creating it if needed.

  • path (str) – Path to a file.
  • text (str) – Text to append.
  • encoding (str) – Encoding for text files (defaults to utf-8).
  • errors (str, optional) – What to do with unicode decode errors (see codecs module for more information).
  • newline (str) – Newline parameter.
copy(src_path, dst_path, overwrite=False)[source]

Copy file contents from src_path to dst_path.

  • src_path (str) – Path of source file.
  • dst_path (str) – Path to destination file.
  • overwrite (bool) – If True, overwrite the destination file if it exists (defaults to False).
create(path, wipe=False)[source]

Create an empty file.

The default behavior is to create a new file if one doesn’t already exist. If wipe is True, any existing file will be truncated.

  • path (str) – Path to a new file in the filesystem.
  • wipe (bool) – If True, truncate any existing file to 0 bytes (defaults to False).

True if a new file had to be created.

Return type:


makedir(path, permissions=None, recreate=False)[source]

Make a directory.

  • path (str) – Path to directory from root.
  • permissions (Permissions, optional) – a Permissions instance, or None to use default.
  • recreate (bool) – Set to True to avoid raising an error if the directory already exists (defaults to False).

a filesystem whose root is the new directory.

Return type:


makedirs(path, permissions=None, recreate=False)[source]

Make a directory, and any missing intermediate directories.

  • path (str) – Path to directory from root.
  • permissions (Permissions, optional) – Initial permissions, or None to use defaults.
  • recreate (bool) – If False (the default), attempting to create an existing directory will raise an error. Set to True to ignore existing directories.

A sub-directory filesystem.

Return type:


move(src_path, dst_path, overwrite=False)[source]

Move a file from src_path to dst_path.

  • src_path (str) – A path on the filesystem to move.
  • dst_path (str) – A path on the filesystem where the source file will be written to.
  • overwrite (bool) – If True, destination path will be overwritten if it exists.
open(path, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline='', line_buffering=False, **options)[source]

Open a file.

  • path (str) – A path to a file on the filesystem.
  • mode (str) – Mode to open the file object with (defaults to r).
  • buffering (int) – Buffering policy (-1 to use default buffering, 0 to disable buffering, 1 to select line buffering, of any positive integer to indicate a buffer size).
  • encoding (str) – Encoding for text files (defaults to utf-8)
  • errors (str, optional) – What to do with unicode decode errors (see codecs module for more information).
  • newline (str) – Newline parameter.
  • **options – keyword arguments for any additional information required by the filesystem (if any).

a file-like object.

Return type:


openbin(path, mode='r', buffering=-1, **options)[source]

Open a binary file-like object.

  • path (str) – A path on the filesystem.
  • mode (str) – Mode to open file (must be a valid non-text mode, defaults to r). Since this method only opens binary files, the b in the mode string is implied.
  • buffering (int) – Buffering policy (-1 to use default buffering, 0 to disable buffering, or any positive integer to indicate a buffer size).
  • **options – keyword arguments for any additional information required by the filesystem (if any).

a file-like object.

Return type:



Remove a file from the filesystem.


path (str) – Path of the file to remove.


Remove a directory from the filesystem.


path (str) – Path of the directory to remove.

setinfo(path, info)[source]

Set info on a resource.

This method is the complement to getinfo and is used to set info values on a resource.

  • path (str) – Path to a resource on the filesystem.
  • info (dict) – Dictionary of resource info.

fs.errors.ResourceNotFound – If path does not exist on the filesystem

The info dict should be in the same format as the raw info returned by getinfo(file).raw.


>>> details_info = {"details": {
...     "modified": time.time()
... }}
>>> my_fs.setinfo('file.txt', details_info)
settimes(path, accessed=None, modified=None)[source]

Set the accessed and modified time on a resource.

  • path – A path to a resource on the filesystem.
  • accessed (datetime, optional) – The accessed time, or None (the default) to use the current time.
  • modified (datetime, optional) – The modified time, or None (the default) to use the same time as the accessed parameter.

Touch a file on the filesystem.

Touching a file means creating a new file if path doesn’t exist, or update accessed and modified times if the path does exist. This method is similar to the linux command of the same name.

Parameters:path (str) – A path to a file on the filesystem.
upload(path, file, chunk_size=None, **options)[source]

Set a file to the contents of a binary file object.

This method copies bytes from an open binary file to a file on the filesystem. If the destination exists, it will first be truncated.

  • path (str) – A path on the filesystem.
  • file (io.IOBase) – a file object open for reading in binary mode.
  • chunk_size (int, optional) – Number of bytes to read at a time, if a simple copy is used, or None to use sensible default.
  • **options – Implementation specific options required to open the source file.

Note that the file object file will not be closed by this method. Take care to close it after this method completes (ideally with a context manager).


>>> with open('~/movies/starwars.mov', 'rb') as read_file:
...     my_fs.upload('starwars.mov', read_file)
writebytes(path, contents)[source]

Copy binary data to a file.

  • path (str) – Destination path on the filesystem.
  • contents (bytes) – Data to be written.

TypeError – if contents is not bytes.

writefile(path, file, encoding=None, errors=None, newline='')[source]

Set a file to the contents of a file object.

  • path (str) – A path on the filesystem.
  • file (io.IOBase) – A file object open for reading.
  • encoding (str, optional) – Encoding of destination file, defaults to None for binary.
  • errors (str, optional) – How encoding errors should be treated (same as io.open).
  • newline (str) – Newline parameter (same as io.open).

This method is similar to upload, in that it copies data from a file-like object to a resource on the filesystem, but unlike upload, this method also supports creating files in text-mode (if the encoding argument is supplied).

Note that the file object file will not be closed by this method. Take care to close it after this method completes (ideally with a context manager).


>>> with open('myfile.txt') as read_file:
...     my_fs.writefile('myfile.txt', read_file)
writetext(path, contents, encoding='utf-8', errors=None, newline='')[source]

Create or replace a file with text.

  • path (str) – Destination path on the filesystem.
  • contents (str) – Text to be written.
  • encoding (str, optional) – Encoding of destination file (defaults to 'ut-8').
  • errors (str, optional) – How encoding errors should be treated (same as io.open).
  • newline (str) – Newline parameter (same as io.open).

TypeError – if contents is not a unicode string.


Make a filesystem that caches directory information.

Parameters:fs (FS) – A filesystem instance.
Returns:A filesystem that caches results of scandir, isdir and other methods which read directory information.
Return type:FS

Make a read-only filesystem.

Parameters:fs (FS) – A filesystem instance.
Returns:A read only version of fs
Return type:FS