Source code for

"""Container for filesystem resource informations.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import typing
from typing import cast
from copy import deepcopy

import six

from .path import join
from .enums import ResourceType
from .errors import MissingInfoNamespace
from .permissions import Permissions
from .time import epoch_to_datetime
from ._typing import overload, Text

if False:  # typing.TYPE_CHECKING
    from datetime import datetime
    from typing import Any, Callable, List, Mapping, Optional, Union

    RawInfo = Mapping[Text, Mapping[Text, object]]
    ToDatetime = Callable[[int], datetime]
    T = typing.TypeVar("T")

[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Info(object): """Container for :ref:`info`. Resource information is returned by the following methods: * `~fs.base.FS.getinfo` * `~fs.base.FS.scandir` * `~fs.base.FS.filterdir` Arguments: raw_info (dict): A dict containing resource info. to_datetime (callable): A callable that converts an epoch time to a datetime object. The default uses :func:`~fs.time.epoch_to_datetime`. """ __slots__ = ["raw", "_to_datetime", "namespaces"] def __init__(self, raw_info, to_datetime=epoch_to_datetime): # type: (RawInfo, ToDatetime) -> None """Create a resource info object from a raw info dict. """ self.raw = raw_info self._to_datetime = to_datetime self.namespaces = frozenset(self.raw.keys()) def __str__(self): # type: () -> str if self.is_dir: return "<dir '{}'>".format( else: return "<file '{}'>".format( __repr__ = __str__ def __eq__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool return self.raw == getattr(other, "raw", None) @overload def _make_datetime(self, t): # pragma: no cover # type: (None) -> None pass @overload def _make_datetime(self, t): # pragma: no cover # type: (int) -> datetime pass def _make_datetime(self, t): # type: (Optional[int]) -> Optional[datetime] if t is not None: return self._to_datetime(t) else: return None @overload def get(self, namespace, key): # pragma: no cover # type: (Text, Text) -> Any pass @overload def get(self, namespace, key, default): # pragma: no cover # type: (Text, Text, T) -> Union[Any, T] pass
[docs] def get(self, namespace, key, default=None): # type: (Text, Text, Optional[Any]) -> Optional[Any] """Get a raw info value. Arguments: namespace (str): A namespace identifier. key (str): A key within the namespace. default (object, optional): A default value to return if either the namespace or the key within the namespace is not found. Example: >>> info.get('access', 'permissions') ['u_r', 'u_w', '_wx'] """ try: return self.raw[namespace].get(key, default) # type: ignore except KeyError: return default
def _require_namespace(self, namespace): # type: (Text) -> None """Check if the given namespace is present in the info. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the given namespace is not present in the info. """ if namespace not in self.raw: raise MissingInfoNamespace(namespace)
[docs] def is_writeable(self, namespace, key): # type: (Text, Text) -> bool """Check if a given key in a namespace is writable. Uses `~fs.base.FS.setinfo`. Arguments: namespace (str): A namespace identifier. key (str): A key within the namespace. Returns: bool: `True` if the key can be modified, `False` otherwise. """ _writeable = self.get(namespace, "_write", ()) return key in _writeable
[docs] def has_namespace(self, namespace): # type: (Text) -> bool """Check if the resource info contains a given namespace. Arguments: namespace (str): A namespace identifier. Returns: bool: `True` if the namespace was found, `False` otherwise. """ return namespace in self.raw
[docs] def copy(self, to_datetime=None): # type: (Optional[ToDatetime]) -> Info """Create a copy of this resource info object. """ return Info(deepcopy(self.raw), to_datetime=to_datetime or self._to_datetime)
[docs] def make_path(self, dir_path): # type: (Text) -> Text """Make a path by joining ``dir_path`` with the resource name. Arguments: dir_path (str): A path to a directory. Returns: str: A path to the resource. """ return join(dir_path,
@property def name(self): # type: () -> Text """`str`: the resource name. """ return cast(Text, self.get("basic", "name")) @property def suffix(self): # type: () -> Text """`str`: the last component of the name (including dot), or an empty string if there is no suffix. Example: >>> info <info ''> >>> info.suffix '.py' """ name = self.get("basic", "name") if name.startswith(".") and name.count(".") == 1: return "" basename, dot, ext = name.rpartition(".") return "." + ext if dot else "" @property def suffixes(self): # type: () -> List[Text] """`List`: a list of any suffixes in the name. Example: >>> info <info 'foo.tar.gz'> >>> info.suffixes ['.tar', '.gz'] """ name = self.get("basic", "name") if name.startswith(".") and name.count(".") == 1: return [] return ["." + suffix for suffix in name.split(".")[1:]] @property def stem(self): # type: () -> Text """`str`: the name minus any suffixes. Example: >>> info <info 'foo.tar.gz'> >>> info.stem 'foo' """ name = self.get("basic", "name") if name.startswith("."): return name return name.split(".")[0] @property def is_dir(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the resource references a directory. """ return cast(bool, self.get("basic", "is_dir")) @property def is_file(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the resource references a file. """ return not cast(bool, self.get("basic", "is_dir")) @property def is_link(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the resource is a symlink. """ self._require_namespace("link") return self.get("link", "target", None) is not None @property def type(self): # type: () -> ResourceType """`~fs.ResourceType`: the type of the resource. Requires the ``"details"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the 'details' namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("details") return ResourceType(self.get("details", "type", 0)) @property def accessed(self): # type: () -> Optional[datetime] """`~datetime.datetime`: the resource last access time, or `None`. Requires the ``"details"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"details"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("details") _time = self._make_datetime(self.get("details", "accessed")) return _time @property def modified(self): # type: () -> Optional[datetime] """`~datetime.datetime`: the resource last modification time, or `None`. Requires the ``"details"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"details"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("details") _time = self._make_datetime(self.get("details", "modified")) return _time @property def created(self): # type: () -> Optional[datetime] """`~datetime.datetime`: the resource creation time, or `None`. Requires the ``"details"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"details"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("details") _time = self._make_datetime(self.get("details", "created")) return _time @property def metadata_changed(self): # type: () -> Optional[datetime] """`~datetime.datetime`: the resource metadata change time, or `None`. Requires the ``"details"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"details"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("details") _time = self._make_datetime(self.get("details", "metadata_changed")) return _time @property def permissions(self): # type: () -> Optional[Permissions] """`Permissions`: the permissions of the resource, or `None`. Requires the ``"access"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"access"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("access") _perm_names = self.get("access", "permissions") if _perm_names is None: return None permissions = Permissions(_perm_names) return permissions @property def size(self): # type: () -> int """`int`: the size of the resource, in bytes. Requires the ``"details"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"details"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("details") return cast(int, self.get("details", "size")) @property def user(self): # type: () -> Optional[Text] """`str`: the owner of the resource, or `None`. Requires the ``"access"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"access"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("access") return self.get("access", "user") @property def uid(self): # type: () -> Optional[int] """`int`: the user id of the resource, or `None`. Requires the ``"access"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"access"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("access") return self.get("access", "uid") @property def group(self): # type: () -> Optional[Text] """`str`: the group of the resource owner, or `None`. Requires the ``"access"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"access"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("access") return self.get("access", "group") @property def gid(self): # type: () -> Optional[int] """`int`: the group id of the resource, or `None`. Requires the ``"access"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"access"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("access") return self.get("access", "gid") @property def target(self): # noqa: D402 # type: () -> Optional[Text] """`str`: the link target (if resource is a symlink), or `None`. Requires the ``"link"`` namespace. Raises: ~fs.errors.MissingInfoNamespace: if the ``"link"`` namespace is not in the Info. """ self._require_namespace("link") return self.get("link", "target")