Source code for fs.walk

"""Machinery for walking a filesystem.

*Walking* a filesystem means recursively visiting a directory and
any sub-directories. It is a fairly common requirement for copying,
searching etc. See :ref:`walking` for details.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import typing

from collections import defaultdict, deque, namedtuple

from ._repr import make_repr
from .errors import FSError
from .path import abspath, combine, normpath

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import (

    from .base import FS
    from .info import Info

    OnError = Callable[[Text, Exception], bool]

_F = typing.TypeVar("_F", bound="FS")

Step = namedtuple("Step", "path, dirs, files")
"""type: a *step* in a directory walk.

# TODO(@althonos): It could be a good idea to create an Abstract Base Class
#                  BaseWalker (with methods walk, files, dirs and info) ?

[docs]class Walker(object): """A walker object recursively lists directories in a filesystem."""
[docs] def __init__( self, ignore_errors=False, # type: bool on_error=None, # type: Optional[OnError] search="breadth", # type: Text filter=None, # type: Optional[List[Text]] exclude=None, # type: Optional[List[Text]] filter_dirs=None, # type: Optional[List[Text]] exclude_dirs=None, # type: Optional[List[Text]] max_depth=None, # type: Optional[int] ): # type: (...) -> None """Create a new `Walker` instance. Arguments: ignore_errors (bool): If `True`, any errors reading a directory will be ignored, otherwise exceptions will be raised. on_error (callable, optional): If ``ignore_errors`` is `False`, then this callable will be invoked for a path and the exception object. It should return `True` to ignore the error, or `False` to re-raise it. search (str): If ``"breadth"`` then the directory will be walked *top down*. Set to ``"depth"`` to walk *bottom up*. filter (list, optional): If supplied, this parameter should be a list of filename patterns, e.g. ``["*.py"]``. Files will only be returned if the final component matches one of the patterns. exclude (list, optional): If supplied, this parameter should be a list of filename patterns, e.g. ``["~*"]``. Files matching any of these patterns will be removed from the walk. filter_dirs (list, optional): A list of patterns that will be used to match directories paths. The walk will only open directories that match at least one of these patterns. exclude_dirs (list, optional): A list of patterns that will be used to filter out directories from the walk. e.g. ``['*.svn', '*.git']``. max_depth (int, optional): Maximum directory depth to walk. """ if search not in ("breadth", "depth"): raise ValueError("search must be 'breadth' or 'depth'") self.ignore_errors = ignore_errors if on_error: if ignore_errors: raise ValueError("on_error is invalid when ignore_errors==True") else: on_error = self._ignore_errors if ignore_errors else self._raise_errors if not callable(on_error): raise TypeError("on_error must be callable") self.on_error = on_error = search self.filter = filter self.exclude = exclude self.filter_dirs = filter_dirs self.exclude_dirs = exclude_dirs self.max_depth = max_depth super(Walker, self).__init__()
@classmethod def _ignore_errors(cls, path, error): # type: (Text, Exception) -> bool """Ignore dir scan errors when called.""" return True @classmethod def _raise_errors(cls, path, error): # type: (Text, Exception) -> bool """Re-raise dir scan errors when called.""" return False @classmethod def _calculate_depth(cls, path): # type: (Text) -> int """Calculate the 'depth' of a directory path (i.e. count components).""" _path = path.strip("/") return _path.count("/") + 1 if _path else 0
[docs] @classmethod def bind(cls, fs): # type: (_F) -> BoundWalker[_F] """Bind a `Walker` instance to a given filesystem. This *binds* in instance of the Walker to a given filesystem, so that you won't need to explicitly provide the filesystem as a parameter. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem object. Returns: ~fs.walk.BoundWalker: a bound walker. Examples: Use this method to explicitly bind a filesystem instance:: >>> walker = Walker.bind(my_fs) >>> for path in walker.files(filter=['*.py']): ... print(path) / / Unless you have written a customized walker class, you will be unlikely to need to call this explicitly, as filesystem objects already have a ``walk`` attribute which is a bound walker object:: >>> for path in my_fs.walk.files(filter=['*.py']): ... print(path) / / """ return BoundWalker(fs)
def __repr__(self): # type: () -> Text return make_repr( self.__class__.__name__, ignore_errors=(self.ignore_errors, False), on_error=(self.on_error, None), search=(, "breadth"), filter=(self.filter, None), exclude=(self.exclude, None), filter_dirs=(self.filter_dirs, None), exclude_dirs=(self.exclude_dirs, None), max_depth=(self.max_depth, None), ) def _iter_walk( self, fs, # type: FS path, # type: Text namespaces=None, # type: Optional[Collection[Text]] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tuple[Text, Optional[Info]]] """Get the walk generator.""" if == "breadth": return self._walk_breadth(fs, path, namespaces=namespaces) else: return self._walk_depth(fs, path, namespaces=namespaces) def _check_open_dir(self, fs, path, info): # type: (FS, Text, Info) -> bool """Check if a directory should be considered in the walk.""" if self.exclude_dirs is not None and fs.match(self.exclude_dirs, return False if self.filter_dirs is not None and not fs.match(self.filter_dirs, return False return self.check_open_dir(fs, path, info)
[docs] def check_open_dir(self, fs, path, info): # type: (FS, Text, Info) -> bool """Check if a directory should be opened. Override to exclude directories from the walk. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem instance. path (str): Path to directory. info (Info): A resource info object for the directory. Returns: bool: `True` if the directory should be opened. """ return True
def _check_scan_dir(self, fs, path, info, depth): # type: (FS, Text, Info, int) -> bool """Check if a directory contents should be scanned.""" if self.max_depth is not None and depth >= self.max_depth: return False return self.check_scan_dir(fs, path, info)
[docs] def check_scan_dir(self, fs, path, info): # type: (FS, Text, Info) -> bool """Check if a directory should be scanned. Override to omit scanning of certain directories. If a directory is omitted, it will appear in the walk but its files and sub-directories will not. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem instance. path (str): Path to directory. info (Info): A resource info object for the directory. Returns: bool: `True` if the directory should be scanned. """ return True
[docs] def check_file(self, fs, info): # type: (FS, Info) -> bool """Check if a filename should be included. Override to exclude files from the walk. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem instance. info (Info): A resource info object. Returns: bool: `True` if the file should be included. """ if self.exclude is not None and fs.match(self.exclude, return False return fs.match(self.filter,
def _scan( self, fs, # type: FS dir_path, # type: Text namespaces=None, # type: Optional[Collection[Text]] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Info] """Get an iterator of `Info` objects for a directory path. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem instance. dir_path (str): A path to a directory on the filesystem. namespaces (list): A list of additional namespaces to include in the `Info` objects. Returns: ~collections.Iterator: iterator of `Info` objects for resources within the given path. """ try: for info in fs.scandir(dir_path, namespaces=namespaces): yield info except FSError as error: if not self.on_error(dir_path, error): raise
[docs] def walk( self, fs, # type: FS path="/", # type: Text namespaces=None, # type: Optional[Collection[Text]] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Step] """Walk the directory structure of a filesystem. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem instance. path (str): A path to a directory on the filesystem. namespaces (list, optional): A list of additional namespaces to add to the `Info` objects. Returns: collections.Iterator: an iterator of `~fs.walk.Step` instances. The return value is an iterator of ``(<path>, <dirs>, <files>)`` named tuples, where ``<path>`` is an absolute path to a directory, and ``<dirs>`` and ``<files>`` are a list of `` objects for directories and files in ``<path>``. Example: >>> walker = Walker(filter=['*.py']) >>> for path, dirs, files in walker.walk(my_fs, namespaces=["details"]): ... print("[{}]".format(path)) ... print("{} directories".format(len(dirs))) ... total = sum(info.size for info in files) ... print("{} bytes".format(total)) [/] 2 directories 55 bytes ... """ _path = abspath(normpath(path)) dir_info = defaultdict(list) # type: MutableMapping[Text, List[Info]] _walk = self._iter_walk(fs, _path, namespaces=namespaces) for dir_path, info in _walk: if info is None: dirs = [] # type: List[Info] files = [] # type: List[Info] for _info in dir_info[dir_path]: (dirs if _info.is_dir else files).append(_info) yield Step(dir_path, dirs, files) del dir_info[dir_path] else: dir_info[dir_path].append(info)
[docs] def files(self, fs, path="/"): # type: (FS, Text) -> Iterator[Text] """Walk a filesystem, yielding absolute paths to files. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem instance. path (str): A path to a directory on the filesystem. Yields: str: absolute path to files on the filesystem found recursively within the given directory. """ _combine = combine for _path, info in self._iter_walk(fs, path=path): if info is not None and not info.is_dir: yield _combine(_path,
[docs] def dirs(self, fs, path="/"): # type: (FS, Text) -> Iterator[Text] """Walk a filesystem, yielding absolute paths to directories. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem instance. path (str): A path to a directory on the filesystem. Yields: str: absolute path to directories on the filesystem found recursively within the given directory. """ _combine = combine for _path, info in self._iter_walk(fs, path=path): if info is not None and info.is_dir: yield _combine(_path,
[docs] def info( self, fs, # type: FS path="/", # type: Text namespaces=None, # type: Optional[Collection[Text]] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tuple[Text, Info]] """Walk a filesystem, yielding tuples of ``(<path>, <info>)``. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem instance. path (str): A path to a directory on the filesystem. namespaces (list, optional): A list of additional namespaces to add to the `Info` objects. Yields: (str, Info): a tuple of ``(<absolute path>, <resource info>)``. """ _combine = combine _walk = self._iter_walk(fs, path=path, namespaces=namespaces) for _path, info in _walk: if info is not None: yield _combine(_path,, info
def _walk_breadth( self, fs, # type: FS path, # type: Text namespaces=None, # type: Optional[Collection[Text]] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tuple[Text, Optional[Info]]] """Walk files using a *breadth first* search.""" queue = deque([path]) push = queue.appendleft pop = queue.pop _combine = combine _scan = self._scan _calculate_depth = self._calculate_depth _check_open_dir = self._check_open_dir _check_scan_dir = self._check_scan_dir _check_file = self.check_file depth = _calculate_depth(path) while queue: dir_path = pop() for info in _scan(fs, dir_path, namespaces=namespaces): if info.is_dir: _depth = _calculate_depth(dir_path) - depth + 1 if _check_open_dir(fs, dir_path, info): yield dir_path, info # Opened a directory if _check_scan_dir(fs, dir_path, info, _depth): push(_combine(dir_path, else: if _check_file(fs, info): yield dir_path, info # Found a file yield dir_path, None # End of directory def _walk_depth( self, fs, # type: FS path, # type: Text namespaces=None, # type: Optional[Collection[Text]] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tuple[Text, Optional[Info]]] """Walk files using a *depth first* search.""" # No recursion! _combine = combine _scan = self._scan _calculate_depth = self._calculate_depth _check_open_dir = self._check_open_dir _check_scan_dir = self._check_scan_dir _check_file = self.check_file depth = _calculate_depth(path) stack = [ (path, _scan(fs, path, namespaces=namespaces), None) ] # type: List[Tuple[Text, Iterator[Info], Optional[Tuple[Text, Info]]]] push = stack.append while stack: dir_path, iter_files, parent = stack[-1] info = next(iter_files, None) if info is None: if parent is not None: yield parent yield dir_path, None del stack[-1] elif info.is_dir: _depth = _calculate_depth(dir_path) - depth + 1 if _check_open_dir(fs, dir_path, info): if _check_scan_dir(fs, dir_path, info, _depth): _path = _combine(dir_path, push( ( _path, _scan(fs, _path, namespaces=namespaces), (dir_path, info), ) ) else: yield dir_path, info else: if _check_file(fs, info): yield dir_path, info
[docs]class BoundWalker(typing.Generic[_F]): """A class that binds a `Walker` instance to a `FS` instance. You will typically not need to create instances of this class explicitly. Filesystems have a `~FS.walk` property which returns a `BoundWalker` object. Example: >>> tmp_fs = fs.tempfs.TempFS() >>> tmp_fs.walk BoundWalker(TempFS()) A `BoundWalker` is callable. Calling it is an alias for the `~fs.walk.BoundWalker.walk` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fs, walker_class=Walker): # type: (_F, Type[Walker]) -> None """Create a new walker bound to the given filesystem. Arguments: fs (FS): A filesystem instance. walker_class (type): A `~fs.walk.WalkerBase` sub-class. The default uses `~fs.walk.Walker`. """ self.fs = fs self.walker_class = walker_class
def __repr__(self): # type: () -> Text return "BoundWalker({!r})".format(self.fs) def _make_walker(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> Walker """Create a walker instance.""" walker = self.walker_class(*args, **kwargs) return walker
[docs] def walk( self, path="/", # type: Text namespaces=None, # type: Optional[Collection[Text]] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Step] """Walk the directory structure of a filesystem. Arguments: path (str): namespaces (list, optional): A list of namespaces to include in the resource information, e.g. ``['basic', 'access']`` (defaults to ``['basic']``). Keyword Arguments: ignore_errors (bool): If `True`, any errors reading a directory will be ignored, otherwise exceptions will be raised. on_error (callable): If ``ignore_errors`` is `False`, then this callable will be invoked with a path and the exception object. It should return `True` to ignore the error, or `False` to re-raise it. search (str): If ``'breadth'`` then the directory will be walked *top down*. Set to ``'depth'`` to walk *bottom up*. filter (list): If supplied, this parameter should be a list of file name patterns, e.g. ``['*.py']``. Files will only be returned if the final component matches one of the patterns. exclude (list, optional): If supplied, this parameter should be a list of filename patterns, e.g. ``['~*', '.*']``. Files matching any of these patterns will be removed from the walk. filter_dirs (list, optional): A list of patterns that will be used to match directories paths. The walk will only open directories that match at least one of these patterns. exclude_dirs (list): A list of patterns that will be used to filter out directories from the walk, e.g. ``['*.svn', '*.git']``. max_depth (int, optional): Maximum directory depth to walk. Returns: ~collections.Iterator: an iterator of ``(<path>, <dirs>, <files>)`` named tuples, where ``<path>`` is an absolute path to a directory, and ``<dirs>`` and ``<files>`` are a list of `` objects for directories and files in ``<path>``. Example: >>> walker = Walker(filter=['*.py']) >>> for path, dirs, files in walker.walk(my_fs, namespaces=['details']): ... print("[{}]".format(path)) ... print("{} directories".format(len(dirs))) ... total = sum(info.size for info in files) ... print("{} bytes".format(total)) [/] 2 directories 55 bytes ... This method invokes `Walker.walk` with bound `FS` object. """ walker = self._make_walker(**kwargs) return walker.walk(self.fs, path=path, namespaces=namespaces)
__call__ = walk
[docs] def files(self, path="/", **kwargs): # type: (Text, **Any) -> Iterator[Text] """Walk a filesystem, yielding absolute paths to files. Arguments: path (str): A path to a directory. Keyword Arguments: ignore_errors (bool): If `True`, any errors reading a directory will be ignored, otherwise exceptions will be raised. on_error (callable): If ``ignore_errors`` is `False`, then this callable will be invoked with a path and the exception object. It should return `True` to ignore the error, or `False` to re-raise it. search (str): If ``'breadth'`` then the directory will be walked *top down*. Set to ``'depth'`` to walk *bottom up*. filter (list): If supplied, this parameter should be a list of file name patterns, e.g. ``['*.py']``. Files will only be returned if the final component matches one of the patterns. exclude (list, optional): If supplied, this parameter should be a list of filename patterns, e.g. ``['~*', '.*']``. Files matching any of these patterns will be removed from the walk. filter_dirs (list, optional): A list of patterns that will be used to match directories paths. The walk will only open directories that match at least one of these patterns. exclude_dirs (list): A list of patterns that will be used to filter out directories from the walk, e.g. ``['*.svn', '*.git']``. max_depth (int, optional): Maximum directory depth to walk. Returns: ~collections.Iterator: An iterator over file paths (absolute from the filesystem root). This method invokes `Walker.files` with the bound `FS` object. """ walker = self._make_walker(**kwargs) return walker.files(self.fs, path=path)
[docs] def dirs(self, path="/", **kwargs): # type: (Text, **Any) -> Iterator[Text] """Walk a filesystem, yielding absolute paths to directories. Arguments: path (str): A path to a directory. Keyword Arguments: ignore_errors (bool): If `True`, any errors reading a directory will be ignored, otherwise exceptions will be raised. on_error (callable): If ``ignore_errors`` is `False`, then this callable will be invoked with a path and the exception object. It should return `True` to ignore the error, or `False` to re-raise it. search (str): If ``'breadth'`` then the directory will be walked *top down*. Set to ``'depth'`` to walk *bottom up*. filter_dirs (list, optional): A list of patterns that will be used to match directories paths. The walk will only open directories that match at least one of these patterns. exclude_dirs (list): A list of patterns that will be used to filter out directories from the walk, e.g. ``['*.svn', '*.git']``. max_depth (int, optional): Maximum directory depth to walk. Returns: ~collections.Iterator: an iterator over directory paths (absolute from the filesystem root). This method invokes `Walker.dirs` with the bound `FS` object. """ walker = self._make_walker(**kwargs) return walker.dirs(self.fs, path=path)
[docs] def info( self, path="/", # type: Text namespaces=None, # type: Optional[Collection[Text]] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tuple[Text, Info]] """Walk a filesystem, yielding path and `Info` of resources. Arguments: path (str): A path to a directory. namespaces (list, optional): A list of namespaces to include in the resource information, e.g. ``['basic', 'access']`` (defaults to ``['basic']``). Keyword Arguments: ignore_errors (bool): If `True`, any errors reading a directory will be ignored, otherwise exceptions will be raised. on_error (callable): If ``ignore_errors`` is `False`, then this callable will be invoked with a path and the exception object. It should return `True` to ignore the error, or `False` to re-raise it. search (str): If ``'breadth'`` then the directory will be walked *top down*. Set to ``'depth'`` to walk *bottom up*. filter (list): If supplied, this parameter should be a list of file name patterns, e.g. ``['*.py']``. Files will only be returned if the final component matches one of the patterns. exclude (list, optional): If supplied, this parameter should be a list of filename patterns, e.g. ``['~*', '.*']``. Files matching any of these patterns will be removed from the walk. filter_dirs (list, optional): A list of patterns that will be used to match directories paths. The walk will only open directories that match at least one of these patterns. exclude_dirs (list): A list of patterns that will be used to filter out directories from the walk, e.g. ``['*.svn', '*.git']``. max_depth (int, optional): Maximum directory depth to walk. Returns: ~collections.Iterable: an iterable yielding tuples of ``(<absolute path>, <resource info>)``. This method invokes `` with the bound `FS` object. """ walker = self._make_walker(**kwargs) return, path=path, namespaces=namespaces)
# Allow access to default walker from the module # For example: # fs.walk.walk_files() default_walker = Walker() walk = default_walker.walk walk_files = default_walker.files walk_info = walk_dirs = default_walker.dirs