"""Function for *mirroring* a filesystem.
Mirroring will create a copy of a source filesystem on a destination
filesystem. If there are no files on the destination, then mirroring
is simply a straight copy. If there are any files or directories on the
destination they may be deleted or modified to match the source.
In order to avoid redundant copying of files, `mirror` can compare
timestamps, and only copy files with a newer modified date. This
timestamp comparison is only done if the file sizes are different.
This scheme will work if you have mirrored a directory previously, and
you would like to copy any changes. Otherwise you should set the
``copy_if_newer`` parameter to `False` to guarantee an exact copy, at
the expense of potentially copying extra files.
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import typing
from ._bulk import Copier
from .copy import copy_file_internal
from .errors import ResourceNotFound
from .opener import manage_fs
from .tools import is_thread_safe
from .walk import Walker
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from typing import Callable, Optional, Text, Union
from .base import FS
from .info import Info
def _compare(info1, info2):
# type: (Info, Info) -> bool
"""Compare two `Info` objects to see if they should be copied.
bool: `True` if the `Info` are different in size or mtime.
# Check filesize has changed
if info1.size != info2.size:
return True
# Check modified dates
date1 = info1.modified
date2 = info2.modified
return date1 is None or date2 is None or date1 > date2
[docs]def mirror(
src_fs, # type: Union[FS, Text]
dst_fs, # type: Union[FS, Text]
walker=None, # type: Optional[Walker]
copy_if_newer=True, # type: bool
workers=0, # type: int
preserve_time=False, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> None
"""Mirror files / directories from one filesystem to another.
Mirroring a filesystem will create an exact copy of ``src_fs`` on
``dst_fs``, by removing any files / directories on the destination
that aren't on the source, and copying files that aren't.
src_fs (FS or str): Source filesystem (URL or instance).
dst_fs (FS or str): Destination filesystem (URL or instance).
walker (~fs.walk.Walker, optional): An optional walker instance.
copy_if_newer (bool): Only copy newer files (the default).
workers (int): Number of worker threads used
(0 for single threaded). Set to a relatively low number
for network filesystems, 4 would be a good start.
preserve_time (bool): If `True`, try to preserve mtime of the
resources (defaults to `False`).
def src():
return manage_fs(src_fs, writeable=False)
def dst():
return manage_fs(dst_fs, create=True)
with src() as _src_fs, dst() as _dst_fs:
_thread_safe = is_thread_safe(_src_fs, _dst_fs)
with Copier(
num_workers=workers if _thread_safe else 0, preserve_time=preserve_time
) as copier:
with _src_fs.lock(), _dst_fs.lock():
def _mirror(
src_fs, # type: FS
dst_fs, # type: FS
walker=None, # type: Optional[Walker]
copy_if_newer=True, # type: bool
copy_file=copy_file_internal, # type: Callable[[FS, str, FS, str, bool], None]
preserve_time=False, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> None
walker = walker or Walker()
walk = walker.walk(src_fs, namespaces=["details"])
for path, dirs, files in walk:
dst = {
info.name: info for info in dst_fs.scandir(path, namespaces=["details"])
except ResourceNotFound:
dst = {}
# Copy files
for _file in files:
_path = _file.make_path(path)
dst_file = dst.pop(_file.name, None)
if dst_file is not None:
if dst_file.is_dir:
# Destination is a directory, remove it
# Compare file info
if copy_if_newer and not _compare(_file, dst_file):
copy_file(src_fs, _path, dst_fs, _path, preserve_time)
# Make directories
for _dir in dirs:
_path = _dir.make_path(path)
dst_dir = dst.pop(_dir.name, None)
if dst_dir is not None:
# Directory name exists on dst
if not dst_dir.is_dir:
# Not a directory, so remove it
# Make the directory in dst
dst_fs.makedir(_path, recreate=True)
# Remove any remaining resources
while dst:
_, info = dst.popitem()
_path = info.make_path(path)
if info.is_dir: